[Mailman-Developers] Another stupid question

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Wed, 22 May 2002 22:27:58 -0400

>>>>> "JRA" == Jay R Ashworth <jra@baylink.com> writes:

    JRA> Defaults.py *has* a default email host and URL host... but
    JRA> they didn't get picked up on the build for some reason; I had
    JRA> to key them in manually.  Is there somewhere else they are?

Did you key those in /after/ you created your test list?  If so, and
if DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST was the empty string at the time you created
your list, then I can see how your list's host_name attribute would be
the empty string.  Remember that changing DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST after the
fact doesn't update your list configs.

So, you need to fix host_name (and probably web_page_url).  Only the
former can be changed on the General admin page.  Both of course can
be changed via withlist.

Both DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST and DEFAULT_URL_HOST are calculated by
configure, so look at your configure output to see if it got the right
values or not.  If not, then you need to look seriously at your DNS
setup, or your Python installation.  socket.getfqdn() better return
the fully qualified domain name for your machine, or you've got
problems, but they ain't in Mailman.

    JRA> Do I have to reinstall *again*?

You should almost /never/ have to completely reinstall.  At worst you
might have to re-run configure and "make install", and perhaps do a
little fixup with withlist (if your configure screwed up and you
didn't catch it until your created some lists).

    JRA> I'm losing my hair here...  <sigh>

i-think-i'm-going-bald-ly y'rs,