[Edu-sig] FW: NetFuture -- Message from Steve

Arthur ajsiegel at optonline.net
Thu May 19 19:32:38 CEST 2005

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Talbott [mailto:stevet at OREILLY.COM] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2005 3:59 PM
Subject: NetFuture -- Message from Steve

                                                         May 18, 2005


Dear Readers --

The Nature Institute has a new booklet out, called *In the Belly of the
Beast: Nature, Technology, and the Human Prospect*, which consists of
several major essays of mine from NetFuture.  See below for how to receive
a copy in acknowledgment of your contribution to NetFuture.

                            *   *   *   *   *

I have never made a general practice of printing in NetFuture letters
whose main purpose is to express appreciation for the publication.  I do
confess, however, that notes such as the following have always been a
source of personal encouragement:

   Thank you, Steve, for all your efforts in producing NetFuture.  I have
   been a silent reader of NetFuture for many years and have always found
   them thought provoking.

   I don't know how far and wide your distribution of NetFuture is, but I
   can tell you that it has definitely made me stop and reflect on the
   technology choices I make and influence. I am a product manager for a
   company that is a recognized leader in mobile software infrastructure
   for enterprises.

   I can also tell you that NetFuture was one reason why I quit my job at
   an e-learning company 4 years ago. I no longer believed in the
   company's unquestioned application of technology to education after
   reflecting on several of your articles.

   Now, my reshaped views may not be moving mountains, but I can assure
   that the many readers of NetFuture are also absorbing your thoughts,
   and they are rethinking the choices they make.  You may not see the
   results of your efforts, Steve, but I can assure you that you are
   having a significant impact all over the world.

   Keep up the good fight!

   David Jonker
   Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

There are doubtless many reasons people have for reading NetFuture, from
the casual to the intense.  I ask that you reflect upon your own reasons
and your own scale of values, and consider becoming one of those doers who
actually contributes to the publication and thereby enables it to exist in
the world.  It needs your support.

Thank you.


The standard contribution form follows.  You will also find it on the web
at http://www.netfuture.org/support.html.

                            *   *   *   *   *

Those of you who wish to go directly to The Nature Institute's PayPal
account can use this url:


However, it would be a good idea to check the special offers described
below.  If you wish to take advantage of any of them, indicate which ones
when filling out the information for PayPal.
Here are the standard options, although you are not limited to these.
(Foreign subscribers, please see the note at end.)

All subscriptions are viewed as being for one year and are tax-deductible
donations (U.S. taxes).  And please note:  if your company is willing to
match employee charitable contributions, then this is an easy way to
increase your support of NetFuture.

______   Standard subscription ($20).  Upon request (see below), we will
         also send you The Nature Institute's twice-yearly newsletter.

______   Heroic subscription ($50).  Upon request (see below), we will
         also send you a copy of *The Future Does Not Compute:
         Transcending the Machines in Our Midst*, by Stephen L. Talbott
         (retail value: $22.95), as well as the twice-yearly newsletter
         of The Nature Institute and a copy of *In the Belly of the
         Beast: Technology, Nature, and the Human Prospect* (retail
         value: $8).

______   Grandiose subscription ($100).  This entitles you to the
         additional items listed above, if you request them.

______   Mother of All Subscriptions ($500).  This entitles you to the
         additional items listed above, if you request them.

______   Other $ _________.  (*Any* amount will be appreciated.)

______   Yes, I would also like to receive the twice-yearly Newsletter of
         The Nature Institute.  Please send it to the address below.

______   Yes, I have contributed at least $50 and would like to receive
         *The Future Does Not Compute*.  Please send it to the address

______   Yes, I have contributed at least $50 and would like to receive
         *In the Belly of the Beast: Technology, Nature, and the Human
         Prospect*.  Please send it to the address below.


We have set up an account for NetFuture (The Nature Institute) at
PayPal.com.  To use it, go to this url:


If you do this, be sure to note with your payment whether you are
requesting either of the free offers (newsletter or book) listed above.
You can enter this information, along with anything else you want to say,
in the box labeled "Payment For".  You will be asked by PayPal to log in
and supply a password if you are not already a PayPal user.

All others should fill out the following:

______ Check or money order is enclosed

______ Charge my:  ____ Visa  ____ MasterCard  ____ American Express
       (NOTE:  Do not send your card number through email.)

       Card number:     ____________________________________________

       Expiration date: ____________________________________________

       Signature:  _________________________________________________

Your mailing address:

Name ____________________________________________________________________

Street or Box ___________________________________________________________

City, State _____________________________________________________________

Country and postal code _________________________________________________

Email address (optional) ________________________________________________

Make checks and money orders payable to The Nature Institute.  Fax this
form (with your credit card number) to 518-672-4270.  Or mail it with your
payment to:

   The Nature Institute
   Attn:  NetFuture
   20 May Hill Road
   Ghent, New York 12075

Note to foreign subscribers:  You can send a check or money order in U.S.
dollars, or use the credit card option (specifying the amount in dollars)
-- all by using the form above.  Alternatively, to save bother with
currency conversion, you can wire your contribution to this account in

   Gemeinnuetzige Treuhandstelle e.V.
   Account Nr. 13 022 710
   GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG, Bochum
   Routing Number (BLZ): 430 609 67
   Purpose:  The Nature Institute Nr. 41 089

If you do take advantage of this German account, you should still fill out
the form above and mail it as directed, or email it to stevet at oreilly.com.
Also, be sure to provide your address to the bank so that they can
acknowledge receipt of your contribution.

And finally:  THANK YOU!

Steve Talbott (stevet at oreilly.com), NetFuture editor
On the web:  http://www.netfuture.org/

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