[Python Wpg] Hello

Mike Pfaiffer mpfaiffer at callapple.org
Sat Sep 9 17:16:14 EDT 2006

	Since everybody else is posting introductions I may as well jump on the 

	I'm Mike Pfaiffer. I'm a writer/programmer/designer/what ever someone wants 
me to do kind of guy. At the moment I am officially unemployed. Unofficially 
I write for the magazine listed below without pay. I'm a Python newbie (not a 
rank newbie since I make it a point to shower daily). ;-)

	The meetings are slightly over my head at the moment, but I manage to 
understand at least one thing every meeting. Eventually I'll catch on.

	My goals at the meetings vary. So far they include learning the syntax as 
well as the various modules. I'm trying to wrap my head around the ideas 
behind Object Oriented Programming (I graduated from the U of M before they 
started teaching it). Privately I am somewhat annoyed with some of the 
programs I use and think I can do a better job.

	I'm trying a number of (I guess this is the correct term) APIs. So far I like 
Idle the best. Mainly because I can change the font size in the editor and 
the program doesn't think it knows what I want better than I do. While emacs 
and vim look interesting, I prefer a GUI interface or something like nano 
where I can concentrate on the language rather than the editor.


|Call-A.P.P.L.E. and the Digital Civilization http://www.callapple.org |
|   http://members.shaw.ca/pfaiffer = Mike Pfaiffer (B.A., B.Sc.)      |
Version: 3.12
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------ END GEEK CODE BLOCK ------

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