[Python Wpg] Good introductory presentation today

Mike Pfaiffer mpfaiffer at callapple.org
Tue Jan 17 15:04:38 EST 2006

 Thanks Stuart for the presentation. It confirmed my opinion Python is a 
really "whacked out" language. ;-) I thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm not going to 
be doing any coding for a while (articles to write - if anybody wants to 
write something on Python it will be published), but I think I can see some 
things I want to change over from shell scripts to Python. Better 
string/object handling and all that. I've even got a germ of an idea sitting 
in the back of my mind.


P.S. Great location for me. Much better than MWCS out in Unicity.

|Call-A.P.P.L.E. and the Digital Civilization http://www.callapple.org |
|   http://members.shaw.ca/pfaiffer = Mike Pfaiffer (B.A., B.Sc.)      |
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