[Wheel-builders] Problem with "too-recent versioned symbols"

Nick Coghlan ncoghlan at gmail.com
Thu Aug 17 21:17:04 EDT 2017

On 17 August 2017 at 23:49, Lele Gaifax <lele at metapensiero.it> wrote:
> Do you have any hint about how I could investigate further, or an explanation
> on why the job on Travis CI can give different results from the (virtually)
> same context running on my GNU/Linux machine?

I was going to suggest that the use of Ubuntu 14.04 vs 12.04 might be
the issue, but it looks like your last successful build also used
14.04: https://travis-ci.org/python-rapidjson/python-rapidjson/builds/265206684

The fact that building with the pypa/manylinux images still works
doesn't actually tell you much - as far as I am aware, those *are*
CentOS 5 images, so their glibc (et al) won't have any newer symbol
versions to potentially pick up.

One thing you might want to try is to send yourself a PR that reverts
everything back to the way it was for your 0.1.0 release, and see if
*that* builds. If it doesn't, you can plausibly guess that something
changed unexpectedly in the Travis build environment. If it does
build, then you can start selectively removing things from the
reversion PR until the build breaks again.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia

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