[Types-sig] Syntax issues

Paul Prescod paul@prescod.net
Sun, 23 Jan 2000 16:49:16 -0600

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> ....
> Paul suggests something similar, but uses a tuple of two strings.  I
> don’t see the point of that (besides, such a tuple ends up being
> evaluated and then thrown away at run time; a simple string is thrown
> away during code generation).

I want to avoid confusion with docstrings in contexts where either would
be legal.

> There's one more idea that I want to discuss: once the in-line syntax
> is accepted, the 'decl' keyword may be redundant (in most cases
> anyway).  

I think that it is a useful indicator about what is evaluated at compile
time, as Python's (otherwise redundant) colon is a useful indicator that
a block is about to start.
 Paul Prescod  - ISOGEN Consulting Engineer speaking for himself
Earth will soon support only survivor species -- dandelions, roaches, 
lizards, thistles, crows, rats. Not to mention 10 billion humans.
	- Planet of the Weeds, Harper's Magazine, October 1998