[Tutor] Can’t find the .env file

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Wed May 17 16:44:18 EDT 2023

On 17/05/2023 18:45, Abelardo Salazar Orozco wrote:

> I am trying to install Auto-GPT through Python, but I'm stocked in step 5
> since I can't find . files.

You need to give us a lot more information for us to help.

First, what python version and OS are you using?

Where did you find Auto-GPT (are you sure that's the right
spelling, it's kind of unusual)

How are you trying to install it? From an app store? Building
from source? Using an OS package manager? Using git or pip?

Exactly what command do you type?

Exactly what error do you get(cut n paste please)?

What are . files?
Which . files specifically are you looking for?
Where have you looked?

Most of us will not have heard of your package let alone
installed it. We almost certainly are not using the same
computer setup as you. The more detail you can provide
the more we are likely able to help.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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