[Tutor] What exactly does "await" do? (David)(Mats Wichmann)(Alan Gauld)

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Feb 18 20:36:18 EST 2023

On 18/02/2023 20:45, ThreeBlindQuarks via Tutor wrote:

> I too found the discussion to be a tad above most of the questions submitted here 
> If anyone wishes to continue, may I suggest the conversation be moved anywhere else, 
> such as a Python board not intended for beginners?

While I agree with most of the sentiments expressed I would
like to point out that the tutor list is a list with
2 distinct audiences:

1) Beginners to programming in general, including the Python
language(the majority of users)

2) Experienced programmers moving to Python as a new language.

The second group, while smaller, often ask quite complex and
detailed questions (often comparing to features of languages
they already know) and that is perfectly legitimate content
for this group.

Equally, the first group often ask about more abstract
generic programming issues and that is equally valid.

What is outside the remit of this list is detailed advice
about third-party libraries. But if it's in the standard
library then anything is fair game.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

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