[Tutor] literature recommendations

ThreeBlindQuarks threesomequarks at proton.me
Wed Dec 13 19:57:44 EST 2023

Welcome, Nikita Anikhovsky,

I can't supply a very simple reply other than that you need a solid basis in lots of more routine Python before learning various modules that may help with specific tasks. This is especially true if you are self-taught and have little experience in some computer language or other.

AI has become quite a broad field so you need to think about what aspects might be useful. There are some general purpose modules such as numpy or pandas or scipy or scikit-learn that are heavily used directly or by other modules starting with tensorflow and layers above that at increasing levels of abstraction such as keras. If you need to visualize the data or your transformations, there are other modules and so on.

But the specific ones depend on the area you are working on. 

If you search for something like "python modules used with AI" and other variations, there is plenty out there. There are lots of books you can find which include Python and AI or perhaps Machine Learning and so on. Lots of online and free info too including tutorials. 

Note, lots of AI work is being done in languages or frameworks other than Python, and if you get a job later, expect to have to relearn how to do things in whatever way it is being done then.

Knowing python is barely a start. Some helpful background in areas like computer science, statistics and probability, data analysis and manipulation and more specific knowledge of things commonly used in AI including data structures like multi-dimensional matrices and quite a bit of math can be helpful.

So you are correct, it is good to understand the language in general and especially the parts that are commonly used in the kind of AI applications you commonly encounter. I will mention that some of the modules form a partially complete world of their own with various layers hiding much of the underlying details so that you can set up a neural network and run it without hardly doing more than importing some modules and following a recipe of sorts.

But for serious work, you may well have to use other basic parts of python or special modules to do things to set ip or transform your data into forms the functions ask for.

Good Luck,
- Кварк

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On Wednesday, December 13th, 2023 at 1:35 PM, Никита Аниховский <nikitaanihovskiy9 at yandex.by> wrote:

> Good day. I recently started learning Python and became interested in
> becoming an artificial intelligence developer in this language. In this
> regard, I would like to ask you to recommend a list of literature that
> could help me with this (I am self-taught).**
> I would also be extremely grateful if someone could recommend a list of
> references for understanding the language in general, I want to understand
> it as well as possible. As good as it can be...
> Thank you very much in advance for your attention and answer!
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