[Tutor] a list of tuples with varying lengths

Dennis Lee Bieber wlfraed at ix.netcom.com
Thu Jan 20 15:37:02 EST 2022

On Thu, 20 Jan 2022 15:30:50 -0500, Dennis Lee Bieber
<wlfraed at ix.netcom.com> declaimed the following:

>OR, if writeDisplay() expects all 8x8 values
>while True:
>	writeDisplay(bitmap[offset % 8 : (offset + 8) % 8])

	Whoops... that should be 
		% len(bitmap) 
and not 
		% 8
(both places) -- might be a similar flaw in the explicit column loop

	Wulfraed                 Dennis Lee Bieber         AF6VN
	wlfraed at ix.netcom.com    http://wlfraed.microdiversity.freeddns.org/

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