[Tutor] OT: Windoze via MacOS - Looking for some Off-list assistance

Albert-Jan Roskam sjeik_appie at hotmail.com
Sat Oct 30 16:38:50 EDT 2021

   Hi Alan,
   Have you considered running Windows on a VM with MacOS as a host? I used
   Win7 for work on a Debian host eith Virtualbox  for years and it worked
   well (Citrix didn't work well with Linux at that time). Often I also used
   Windows when I wanted to use hardware that had no reliable Linux drivers.
   It performs very well. Windows host + Linux VM performed noticably worse.
   You're right: eg GIMP is nice, but it is sort of Photoshop's cross-eyed
   brother. :-)
   Best wishes,

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