[Tutor] OT: Windoze via MacOS - Looking for some Off-list assistance

Alan Gauld learn2program at gmail.com
Sat Oct 30 15:00:25 EDT 2021

Apologies for a very tenuously linked request.

It's upgrade time as my current Windoze PC is beginning to struggle.

I only really use it for 3 things:

1) Editing Photos

2) Editing Videos

3) writing books for commercial publication. (Which includes running
Python and C/C++ dev environments - see, there is a link! :-)

That gives me lots of options since all the programs I use for these
things can run on Windows or MacOSX.

So should I just buy a new Windows box? Or migrate to a new
M1 powered Mac mini? The motivation to migrate comes from
getting both my everyday and "media" PCs based on *nix. The
advantage of staying on Windows is that it is still the majority
option for readers of my books.

If anyone has objective experience of **both systems** (no fanboys or
Linux evangelists(*) please!) and is willing to answer a few questions
I have and share experiences off-list I'd appreciate it.

Also if anyone knows a non-partisan forum fr discussing such things
I'd love to know. Most of the ones I've seen advocate vigorously for
one or the other...

(*)Nothing against Linux; it's my main system but opensource apps
just don't come close for serious photo or video work and my
publishers insist on Microsoft tools(and yes, I could use wine,
but not for the other options).

Apologies again for the OT theme.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

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