[Tutor] Running python files - solved

Mats Wichmann mats at wichmann.us
Fri Oct 16 20:02:18 EDT 2020

On 10/16/20 5:41 PM, Phil wrote:

> Thank you everyone for your replies. However, I think my question was
> not fully understood, no doubt to my clumsiness. Anyway I have a
> solution, although I did take me some time to realise how simple the
> solution is.
> What I did was to create a launcher bash script that I have stored in my
> home directory. The launcher script changes to the directory where the
> python script is stored and then runs the python script. The system menu
> calls the launcher script.

Glad you got it sorted.

This is actually what some of us tried to point to:  the context when
you run things from a menu, or a crontab, or something other than your
shell - is different than in that shell. And your launcher is a way to
make the context on startup be what you want it to be.  There are other
ways to make that happen too, but you have something working - good on you!

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