[Tutor] ModuleNotFound Error

Mats Wichmann mats at wichmann.us
Thu Aug 13 14:41:23 EDT 2020

On 8/13/20 12:33 PM, Mats Wichmann wrote:

> You've introduced two complications which makes it harder to answer from
> here:
> - you're using Anaconda, which also has its own installer.  Did you use
> the conda installer? Or did you install using pip?
> - you're using IDLE, which from my limited experience with Anaconda, may
> not use Python the same way. Perhaps somebody else can help with that
> part.

two complete this thought...  if you used conda to install, it probably
installed to a Python virtual environment.  then when you brought up
IDLE, it's not in the context of that virtual environment, activated,
and so it doesn't know to look there ("activating" basically means
fiddling paths).  Which would go a long way to explaining the not found

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