[Tutor] Serializing bytestring as JSON

Mats Wichmann mats at wichmann.us
Mon Aug 10 09:30:18 EDT 2020

On 8/9/20 9:04 PM, S D wrote:
> Hi. If you're reading this, I hope you're healthy and safe.
> I built an RPC service based on the Nameko framework. The service class
> implements a method which takes a list of strings as an argument and
> returns a dictionary with each original string as a key and the string
> Huffman encoded as a value. The encoding works, but I cannot send the
> return value across the network because the encoded bytestrings cannot be
> serialized to JSON.
> If I import the service class and test the methods using PyTest, this
> problem is not reproduced.
> How can I return a Huffman encoded bytestring over a wire as JSON?

Just a question to think about: are you sure you actually want JSON to
be your over-the-wire encoding?  It's human-readable, yes, but adds a
fair bit of bulk, and is not sufficient for directly encoding Python
datastructures, although you can make _anything_ work with enough effort.

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