[Tutor] [OT] Cool vim feature

Mats Wichmann mats at wichmann.us
Tue Apr 28 12:56:43 EDT 2020

On 4/28/20 6:16 AM, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:
> I've been using vi/vim since 1986.
> Today I learned a cool new feature that has been there for at least 10
> years and I never knew.
> When in insert mode if you hit Ctrl-N it brings up a list of completions
> - IDE style. Repeated Ctlr-N steps through them. Ctrl-U cancels.
> There are other related strokes such as C-X C-F for file completion too.
> :help ins-comp will get you the details.
> How could that be there for so long and I not know?! (I knew there were
> plugins could do it, but I don't like using plugins because it makes the
> editor inconsistent between machines.)
> Probably all the other vim users are saying, "of course..." but just in
> case anyone else is missing out ...

I didn't know these either.

vim has been a lot more proactive than the old vi was in adding
features.  Those of us who have been with vi for a very long time (I
date back to the very beginning, I was attending UC Berkeley while it
was being developed), and found vim did everything we were used to
probably don't have a lot of incentive to keep exploring new stuff... at
least that's been the case for me, I've discovered new stuff quite slowly.

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