[Tutor] Can't reinstall pip for Python 3.7.3

Mats Wichmann mats at wichmann.us
Wed May 8 11:19:57 EDT 2019

On 5/8/19 5:36 AM, Zelphy wrote:
> Dear tutor members,
> After spending a lot of time on forums trying to fix this problem, I come
> here hoping for a solution to my problem.
> In fact, after upgrading my version of Python ( I was on 3.6.5 and then on
> 3.7.3 ) I wanted to reinstall pip ( mainly in order to download Pygame )
> But, after downloading Python and the get-pip.py file, when I open it ( and
> it do the same thing every time ) the command prompt tell me "successfully
> uninstalled pip-19.1.1 and then Python stop to work.
> [image: Pip install.PNG]
> I checked the Path but when I open the Script folder, this folder is empty.
> But as I remember, normally there is, in this folder, a pip.exe and some
> other things.
> [image: Path.PNG]
> [image: path Environment variables.PNG]
> I also linked here some screenshots that might help.

Screenshots don't usually make it through the mailing list software.

When installing Python on Windows, you don't need to install pip, so
don't fiddle with the get-pip instructions - it looks like you had it,
then it was uninstalled but not reinstalled.  Just avoid that.

If you do a fresh install and check, it should all be there. The only
thing is that the Scripts directory doesn't go into your environment
path, even if you said to add the path for Python.

Instead of fiddling with that, and assuming you installed the python
launcher (which is a good idea), invoke pip as a module instead of
trying to use pip.exe.  Here's to check if it's working at all:

py -m pip --version

here's to install something:

py -m pip install MyFavoritePackage

If you then need to _upgrade_ pip, you would do it this way:

py -m pip install --upgrade pip

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