[Tutor] Recommended Resurce or strategy for beginning students

David bouncingcats at gmail.com
Thu Feb 21 02:05:49 EST 2019

On Thu, 21 Feb 2019 at 14:35, Matthew Polack
<matthew.polack at htlc.vic.edu.au> wrote:
> Just wanted to update this thread regarding a resource for beginning students. We are now 4 weeks into the course and have found ...

Hi Matthew,

Thanks for sharing your progress here! I'm very pleased to hear
you are finding classroom resources that work for you.

I can't resist to throw another left-field link at you, it is not
directly related
to anything you mentioned, but simply in case you or anyone else finds it

micropython ... I just discovered it myself recently, here is a video
presentation by its creator:

It is worth watching from the beginning, but there is specific mention
of its use in UK education around time 39:00.

Personally I think that it's very cool to be able to control hardware with
a Python REPL interface.

If you search the web for micropython you will find more resources,
as I currently doing myself, for a specific hardware project.

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