[Tutor] Putting a Bow on It

Mats Wichmann mats at wichmann.us
Mon Feb 11 11:29:52 EST 2019

On 2/11/19 6:48 AM, Chip Wachob wrote:
> Thanks.  These are both great helps to get me started.
> The little bit of searching does leave me a little bit confused, but the
> reference to the book is somewhat helpful / encouraging.
> I see a lot of people saying that certain approaches have been depreciated,
> then re-appreciated (?) then depreciated once more and so on..  that sure
> makes it confusing to me.  Unfortunately since I'm using someone's pre-made
> libraries, and that requires 2.7, I'm sort of locked at that version, but
> it seems like most, if not all, of these options will work for any version
> of Python.
> These posts give me some keywords that should help me narrow the field a
> bit.
> I realize that choosing a tool is always a case of personal preference.  I
> don't want to start a 'this is better than that' debate.
> If the 'pros' out there have more input, I'm all ears.

I'm having the same problems, everybody seems to have an idea of what is
state of the art, and they don't often agree. And sadly, people do not
always date their blog entries so you can eliminate what is too old to
be useful to a "newbie" (a category I fall into with packaging)

There are really two classes of solution:

base tools for manually packaging.  The Python Packaging Authority is
supposed to be definitive for what the state of these is.

smart systems which automate some or all of the steps.  These are often
labeled with some sort of hypelabel - Python packaging finally done
right or some such.  (I've tried a couple and they have failed utterly
for the project I want to redo the packaging on. My impression is these
will usually fail if your project is not meant to be imported)

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