[Tutor] Fwd: Mailing list chaos.

David L Neil PyTutor at DancesWithMice.info
Sat Aug 24 18:29:26 EDT 2019

For the benefit of those of us who don't use WhatsApp (or any other 
Facebook-ish medium): is a "class group" literally his own school-class 
or does it comprise all the people in NL/the world attempting that 

The next question may then be: are students likely to gain greater 
advantage there, or from 'here'?

Which may also lead to the thought: are they better staying in a 
'student community' (my imagination of "class group") or being exposed 
to the views, advice, and work-habits of professionals (who are members 
(for example, some answers are likely far more precise, or cover highly 
technical/business-oriented scenarios, beyond the typical 'toy examples' 
of high school)

NB I'm not pursuing any 'agenda' to ban/remove 'school students' from 
this list, in asking such questions - I work with adults and have no 
real understanding of how school-kids are running their lives these 
days, so appreciate your observations!

On 24/08/19 8:25 PM, ingo wrote:
> WhatsApp class groups and chat channels of the games they play are used
> for that, at least that what I see my son does.
> Ingo
> On 24-8-2019 02:22, David L Neil wrote:
>> You're educating me: I thought (in addition) that they were asking each
>> other 'how did you tackle the xyz homework problem?' or even working
>> more collaboratively (individual learning being a function of education
>> in 'my day' but no longer in this ?brave new world).
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Regards =dn

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