[Tutor] Recommendations for best tool to write/run Python :p:

Thomas C. Hicks paradox at pobox.com
Thu Mar 3 04:28:15 EST 2016


As a physician myself just getting into the world of teaching computer 
programming I would be very interested to know what you teach to the 
doctors.  Feel free to reply off list, would love to discuss this!

Thomas C. Hicks, MD, MPH
Training Manager
Gansu Gateway, Lanzhou, Gansu

On 03/03/2016 05:25 AM, Matt Williams wrote:
> I teach an introductory programming course to medical students (and a few
> doctors).
> I would look at Sublime Text 2 if one Windows/ Mac. Has a 'nag' screen to
> remind you to buy, but feels simple enough when you start it.
> M
> On Wed, 2 Mar 2016 19:50 Ben Finney, <ben+python at benfinney.id.au> wrote:
>> Lisa Hasler Waters <lwaters at flinthill.org> writes:
>>> Ben, in terms of time for learning curve, I suppose we do have some
>>> limitations as we are up against school schedules. However, if it is
>>> something I could learn in a reasonable time that I could then more
>>> quickly walk my students through then I'd be up for the challenge!
>> In that case, my recommendation is to learn a good programmer's editor,
>> and let your students gain exposure to that.
>> Emacs and Vim are the unchallenged masters here; community-owned,
>> free-software, cross-platform, mature and highly flexible with support
>> for a huge range of editing tasks. Learning either of those will reward
>> the student with a tool they can use broadly throughout whatever
>> computing career they choose.
>> They aren't a small investment, though. That “mature” comes at the cost
>> of an entire ecosystem that evolved in decades past; concepts and
>> commands are idiosynratic in each of them. It is highly profitable for
>> any programmer to learn at least one of Emacs or Vim to competence, but
>> it may be too much to confront a middle-school student in limited class
>> time. Maybe let the class know they exist, at least.
>> Short of those, I'd still recommend a community-owned, free-software,
>> highly flexible programmer's editor. If you're on GNU+Linux, use the
>> Kate or GEdit editors; they integrate very nicely with the default
>> desktop environment and are well-maintained broadly applicable text
>> editors. GEdit in particular has good Python support.
>> I would recommend staying away from any language-specific IDE. Teaching
>> its idiosyncracies will still be a large time investment, but will not
>> be worth it IMO because the tool is so limited in scope. Better to teach
>> a powerfuly general-purpose programmer's editor, and use the operating
>> system's facilities for managing files and processes.
>> --
>>   \        “Humanity has advanced, when it has advanced, not because it |
>>    `\     has been sober, responsible, and cautious, but because it has |
>> _o__)            been playful, rebellious, and immature.” —Tom Robbins |
>> Ben Finney
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