[Tutor] Recommendations for best tool to write/run Python

Ben Finney ben+python at benfinney.id.au
Wed Mar 2 16:37:20 EST 2016

Ben Finney <ben+python at benfinney.id.au> writes:

> Short of [the heavyweights Vim and Emacs], I'd still recommend a
> community-owned, free-software, highly flexible programmer's editor.
> If you're on GNU+Linux, use the Kate or GEdit editors; they integrate
> very nicely with the default desktop environment and are
> well-maintained broadly applicable text editors. GEdit in particular
> has good Python support.

In particular, when teaching students, please steer them away from
proprietary software, regardless of price.

Non-free software such as Sublime Text, PyCharms, Wing IDE, and the
like, sometimes have a zero-dollar license, but your students should not
be encouraged to use tools they are forbidden to learn about and share.

In education, please use free-software tools – that is, software with
license to inspect, modify, and share the changes – so your students can
learn at any level their interest takes them.

 \       “What I resent is that the range of your vision should be the |
  `\                                 limit of my action.” —Henry James |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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