[Tutor] Root and power

David Palao dpalao.python at gmail.com
Wed Jul 29 11:27:32 CEST 2015

2015-07-29 5:29 GMT+02:00 Job Hernandez <jobrh2993 at gmail.com>:
> How is it going tutors?
> The following problem seems impossible to me:
> "*Write a program that asks the user to enter an integer and prints two
> integers, root and pwr, such that 0 < pwr < 6 and root^pwr (root**pwr) is
> equal to the integer entered by the user. If no such pair of integers
> exists, it should print a message to that effect*."
> I would like to solve this problem myself so please don't give me the
> solution.
>  I need to learn how in the world do find the root and power of an integer
> that x user entered? I haven been looking on the python website for an
> appropriate function but I have not.
> If you have the time can you please tell me about the functions and other
> facts I need to know in order to solve this problem?
> Is there a book you guys recommend for total beginners who have no ideal of
> what computer science and programming is?
> Thank you,
> Job
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First, you need an algorithm that solves your problem. Once you have
it, you need to implement it in Python.
For the algorithm. Although there are theorems and all sort of smart
mathematical tricks you could use, given the conditions you have, have
you considered to use a brute force approach? I mean: if all involved
numbers are positive you could start testing different values for root
from 0 on, and for each value test pwr from 1 to 5 until you find
either a solution, something bigger than x.
Once you chose the algorithm, for the actual implementation you have
to say what part you are blocked at.

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