[Tutor] Why is Quick Search at docs.Python.org so useless?

memilanuk memilanuk at gmail.com
Sun Jul 6 20:08:08 CEST 2014

On 07/05/2014 11:53 AM, Mark Lawrence wrote:
> As I said it's a known problem, but then so are the 4600 bugs at
> bugs.python.org.  So why bother spending the time making the search
> useful when there is a well known workaround

Because it's supposed to be the first place new (and old) users go to 
find their answers.

Because the work-around isn't published right *there* where people who 
aren't 'in the know' would expect to find it.

Because it looks kind of sketchy that the search function of the main 
documentation section of *the* primary web site for a programming 
language doesn't work right, and hasn't for some time even though its a 
'well-known' issue because it isn't considered a sexy enough problem to 
be addressed.

In my mind, that doesn't say very many *good* things about that language...

And before you say, 'Go for it, fix it yourself'... I'm one of those 
new-ish folks myself, and you probably don't want me tinkering around 
anywhere near the guts of any search engine ;)

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