[Tutor] Mastering the fundamentals

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Fri Jan 3 12:47:58 CET 2014

On 03/01/14 08:30, Christian Alexander wrote:

> I've just recently acquired "Learning Python", and I must state that it
> is a fairly thorough book.  However it seems as if I am learning at a
> very slow pace, so my question is, as far as setting a goal to master
> the basics, where should I be within a years time?

It depends on where you start from. Can you program in other languages?
If so you should be very comfortable with Python programming in a year
(probably much less).

If you have never programmed before then Learning Python may not be the 
best tutorial since it assumes quite a lot of programming jargon etc is 
understood but if you persevere you should know the language well enough 
to write moderate sized programs (a few hundred lines say).

Is that meaningful? Maybe not.
To try a musical analogy, after a year you should be able to play 
simplified versions of popular tunes well enough that your friends 
recognize them and sing along. You could probably even try busking
in the street for pennies. But you probably aren't going to be getting 
signed by Simon Cowell anytime soon.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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