[Tutor] importing into a function

Jim Mooney cybervigilante at gmail.com
Thu Jul 11 18:28:25 CEST 2013

>  You can change that by selecting "Configure Python ..." under the
> "Edit" menu item. Select the "Custom" radio button in the "Python
> Executable" section and Browse to the desired executable (probably
> C:\Python33\python.exe)

Oh, I'm aware of that - but you have to reset it every time you switch
Pythons, which is annoying. Wing Pro has projects, so you can just
create two main projects and specify which Py version is running. So I
keep Wing at 2.7. Pyscripter's debugger is awful with stack data,
whereas Wing is very clear. And every time I've found some small
awkwardness (or big one) in other IDEs, Wing didn't have it. This
tells me it is Very well thought out, even in the 101 version.
Commenting out, which I use as a poor man's debugger, takes one click
in Wing - it takes two in Pyscripter. That may not seem like a lot
(although I use commenting out a lot, so it is), but I judge a
restaurant by its coffee. When even small things are well thought out,
it's a good sign you're going to buy something worth buying.

I believe in free software, but some things really are worth buying
and Wing strikes me as one of them. I could never do without Clipmate,
which saves tons of work and simplifies much. I'd pay for it again. As
for doing raw animation coding in HTML5 Canvas, instead of using
Flash, ugh. Sure, you can draw the Mona Lisa with Turtle Graphics, but
who has the time ;')


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