[Tutor] Question regarding lists and manipulating items in lists.

Scurvy Scott etanes.rm at gmail.com
Wed Jan 16 00:40:24 CET 2013

Hello guys, I'm using Ubuntu 12.10 and Python 2.7 right now. I'm working on
code using the Mingus module but this question isn't specific to this
module, per se.

What I'm trying to do is to generate the fibonacci numbers up to a given N
and then do modulo 12 on each number in order to create a list of numbers
for the Mingus module to convert to notes. What I would like to do is store
each note created in a different element in a list so that I can later
manipulate it, say by removing certain note letters from the list at will.
That way the scales created by the program can become more useful, for
example I could remove all notes that aren't present in say a Harmonic
Minor scale, and only keep the list items that do exist in that scale in a
given key. That way it becomes, in a way, like the computer is writing your
guitar solos! Pretty neat I think.

Anyways, the problem I'm having is I'm not really sure how to search a list
for multiple elements and remove just those elements. Below is my code so
far, and information y'all could provide would be appreciated. Thanks.

import mingus.core.notes as notes
def fib(num1,num2):
a, b = 0, 1
for i in xrange(num1,num2):
c = b % 12 #modulo 12 on each generated fibonacci number
a_list= [notes.int_to_note(c)] #using Mingus to translate the Fib mod12
numbers into notes and then (I think) storing each one as an element in a
a, b = b, a+b #this is just the algorithm for the fibonacci numbers
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