[Tutor] How to present python experience (self-taught) to potential employer

Jing Ai jai633 at g.rwu.edu
Fri Aug 23 04:45:38 CEST 2013

Hi everyone,
This is Jing and I am a recent college graduate with Biology and Public
Health background.  I'm currently learning python on my own when i have
time off from my PH internship.  There's a job posting that looks really
idea for me in the near future (a PH Research position) that requires
"Python experience" and I wonder if any of you have any suggestions how I
can demonstrate my python skills if I'm learning it on my own as opposed to
taking courses?

Some people had previously suggested GitHub, but it seems to only show my
abilities to read python code and detect bugs, but not abilities to write
python code.  Some others suggested doing a project of my own, but I don't
currently have any data or problem to solve in my field.

Thanks so much!

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