[Tutor] Questions about classes

Ciaran Mooney dancingbush at gmail.com
Tue Nov 13 23:50:16 CET 2012

Was hoping someone could help me. 
I have downloaded the latest pygame 1.9.1 i think) to a Mac powerbook OS 10.4.11. 

Python 3 does not recognise pygame although python 2.7 version does (unfortunately have never programmed python 2.7 and don't no how).

Any help would be much appreciated.


On 13 Nov 2012, at 12:57, Steven D'Aprano <steve at pearwood.info> wrote:

> On 13/11/12 13:49, brandon w wrote:
>> 1. I saw in the book an assignment written like this:
>> class HumanBeing:
>>         def makeName(self, name):
>>                   *self.name = name*
>> *
>> *
>> Why is it not written like this?:
>> class HumanBeing:
>>         def makeName(self, name):
>> *                  name = self.name*
> This creates a class called "HumanBeing". It includes a method called
> "makeName". Methods are very similar to functions, the differences will
> become clear further on.
> Methods are defined in the same way as functions: the "def" keyword,
> followed by the name of method, then the parameters. Each parameter
> creates a local variable, so the "makeName" method has two local
> variables:
> - self
> - name
> "self" is special. When you call the method, Python will automatically
> provide the "self" argument. So if you do this:
> fred = HumanBeing()  # create an instance of HumanBeing class
> fred.makeName("flintstone")
> the makeName method gets passed two arguments:
> - self = fred, provided automatically by Python
> - name = "flintstone", provided by you
> Now, inside the body of the method, we have this:
> self.name = name
> That says:
> - take the argument *name* (which has value "flintstone")
> - attach it to the instance *self* using the attribute called "name"
> After the line finishes executing, the instance *fred* will now have
> an attribute *name* with value "flintstone".
> So if you later call:
> print(fred.name)
> Python will print "flintstone".
> What if it were written the other way, as you suggested?
> name = self.name
> That goes in the opposite direction: first Python tries to look up
> an attribute called name. It probably doesn't find one, and so it
> will raise an exception and print an error message. But let's
> suppose it did find one. It then takes that value and stores it
> in the local variable "name", over-writing the local variable you
> provided as an argument to the method.
> Then, when the method returns (either at a "return" statement, or
> by reaching the end of the method), the local variable is
> forgotten and no permanent change is made.
>> 2. Why use a class in the first place? What is the purpose of constructing
>> a class instead of just writing a program with a bunch of functions?
> Classes are useful for a couple of reasons:
> 1) Encapsulation
> A class keeps together related code and data. A good example comes from the
> Python built-in class "list". The list class combines:
> - a storage area for the list data;
> - methods which operate on that list data.
> For example, lists have a method "index". But strings also have a method
> called "index". The list.index method knows how to search a list. It knows
> nothing about strings, and doesn't need to care about strings. It only
> needs to care about lists. The str.list method knows how to search a string.
> It knows nothing about lists, and only cares about strings. That makes it
> much easier to program. Instead of one giant function:
> def index(obj, value):
>    if obj is a string:
>        code for searching strings
>    elif obj is a list:
>        code for searching lists
>    elif obj is a tuple:
>        code for searching tuples
>    else:
>        raise TypeError("don't know how to index obj")
> instead each branch of the function gets encapsulated into a str class, a
> list class, a tuple class, and anything else that you might want to index.
> If you write a Book class, you can give it an index method without needing
> to care about lists, strings, tuples, etc.
> The other advantage of classes is:
> 2) Inheritance
> With classes, you can *inherit* behaviour by creating a subclass. Say, for
> example, you want a type of list that is exactly the same as ordinary lists
> except that every time you append a value, it prints what you appended. This
> might be useful for debugging. Without inheritance, you would have to
> duplicate the entire code base for list, many hundreds or thousands of lines
> of code. But with inheritance, it just takes FOUR lines:
> class MyList(list):
>    def append(self, value):
>        print("appending %s" % value)
>        super(MyList, self).append(value)
> This creates a new class called "MyList", which inherits from the built-in
> list class; everything else is the same as list, except for the append
> method, which prints the value first, then calls the built-in list.append
> method.
> (If the super() call looks a bit mysterious, don't worry too much about it
> right now.)
> So between encapsulation and inheritance, classes are a powerful tool for
> programming.
> -- 
> Steven
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