[Tutor] New project idea!!

Surya K suryak at live.com
Tue Mar 6 18:18:32 CET 2012

I am an electronics guy, extremely interested in programming. So learned Python.
Currently I know (C, Python, HTML); Learning Java, Python (still making myself flexible in OOP).
So, last year I build a sudoku solver in C which was an amazing experience (though re inventing wheel is not a big deal at all), I learned a lot. 
Now, I would like to do a similar project using python (which should be quite acceptable to put on my resume).. Any Ideas please!!
(Note: I am no computer science guy, My day-to-day affairs deal with resistors, capacitors, transistors etc. I try to learn programming myself at home.. So, I wouldn't have knowledge exactly how a computer science guys will have. But I have more than enough enthusiasm..    		 	   		  
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