[Tutor] IDLE problems

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Tue Mar 6 11:47:24 CET 2012

On 06/03/12 09:51, Paul Douglas Grant wrote:

> issue running python on mac snow leopard 10.6.8. I was running a
> version of python that was preinstalled on my computer. At some point
> in reading the python website I saw that version 3.2.2 was available
> and recommended. After downloading and installing it along with
> ActiveTcl 8.5.11. When I opened IDLE to run *hello world* nothing
> happened, just a hard return...I tried reinstalling an earlier version
> 2.7, same problem. Reinstalled 3.2.2, same issue.

Sorry, it's not really clear what you mean here.

I'll try asking some questions to clarify things:

Did you uninstall the version that came with MacOS?
(If so that was probably a mistake!)

What happens if you open a terminal and type 'python'?
Do you get to the python >>> prompt?
If so with which version?

Did you have IDLE working in the original install?
(My iBook didn't have IDLE support included, I had to add
  that myself, but I don't know about newer Macs)

You probably didn't need ActiveTcl, the Mac ActivePython
should have had all that you needed. OTOH it shouldn't do
any harm either... Can you run wish in a terminal and
get the Tcl/Tk prompt/window?

How did you try to open IDLE?
(Finder, Terminal, or shortcut?)

What do you mean by a "hard return"?

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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