[Tutor] mentorship

Christopher Conner ccsentient at myopera.com
Sat Mar 3 04:49:32 CET 2012

Hello folks -

I'm a little lost and seek a mentor to accelerate the learning curve  
associated with open-source development, with python in particular but not  

I've been an computer enthusiast / amateur programmer for 20 years. Too,  
in the past few years I've researched a variety of related topics:  
historical computer culture, modern security and cryptography, Linux  
administration and the philosophy of software development.

I also have some working knowledge of apache, website design and a compsci  
degree from 10 years ago.


I've got some free time and I feel like I should pick an open source  
project and begin contributing, but the options are just staggering. I've  
narrowed things down to the Python language - maybe the Plone project?  
maybe helping with documentation at first? Maybe testing?

I welcome any suggestions on any point or question given.

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