[Tutor] Which computer operating system is best for Python developers?

Terry Carroll carroll at tjc.com
Fri Mar 2 22:34:11 CET 2012

(Re Python on Windows 7)

On Thu, 23 Feb 2012, Tim Golden wrote:

> On 23/02/2012 09:00, Alan Gauld wrote:
>> If you do a reinstall, download the ActiveState version rather
>> than the Python.org version.
> I also recommend the ActiveState distro.

I am going to "third" Alan's and Tim's recommendations of the Activestate 
distribution; and further suggest that you use the 32-bit version, anod 
not the 64-bit version, even if you have the 64-bit Windows 7.  Some 
Python extensions are built only for 32-bit Python and will not work with 

I recently ran into this on two modules; one was PIL and I cannot remember 
the other.  The easy fix was to uninstall the 64-bit Python and install 
32-bit in its place.

I'm referrng to Python 2.7 above.

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