[Tutor] breeds of Python .....

Stefan Behnel stefan_ml at behnel.de
Sun Apr 1 19:16:15 CEST 2012

Brett Ritter, 01.04.2012 07:19:
> On Sat, Mar 31, 2012 at 5:37 PM, Barry Drake wrote:
>> concentrate on Python3 or stay with Python2 and get into bad habits when it
>> comes to change eventually?  Apart from the print and input functions, I
>> haven't so far got a lot to re-learn.
> My recommendation is to go with Python2 - most major projects haven't
> made the switch

This statement is a bit misleading because it implies that you actually
"have to make the switch" at some point. Many projects are quite happily
supporting both at the same time, be it in a single code base (e.g. helped
by the "six" module) or by using the 2to3 conversion tool.

Also, from what I see and hear, "most major projects" are at least on their
way to adapting their code base for Python 3 compatibility, and many, many
libraries and other small or large software packages are already available
for Python 3.

I don't see a major reason for a beginner to not go straight for Python 3,
and then learn the necessary Py2 quirks in addition when the need arises.


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