[Tutor] Non programmer wanting to become programmer

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Fri May 27 02:04:49 CEST 2011

"amt" <0101amt at gmail.com> wrote

> 1)What book should I start with?  ( I have checked Python for non
> programmers but there are a lot of titles there, what should I pick 
> first?I
> was thinking about Invent your own computer games with Python.)

Tutorials are a matter of taste. Take a look at a few, find one
that seems clear to you and stick with it. Try the examples
out don't just read them. If you get stuck try reading about
the same topic in another tutorial. If still stuck ask here.

> 2)Version 2 or version 3? What should I go for as a beginner and 
> why?

It doesn't make a lot of difference. Version 3 is still lacking
support for some important modules so if you had a specific
task in mind I'd say stick with v2. But as a complete beginner
you are unlikely to be affected by that and hopefully the module
providers will have caught up by the time you are ready for them.
If you like the look of the v3 tutor then go for it.

> 3)Algorithms, memory management, data structures, when is the right 
> time to
> learn them?

Algorithms are best learned in math class, but since that
may not be an option, learn as you go by tackling
problems and by reading other peoples code and by
researching on Wikipedia etc.

memory management is almost irrelevant in Python, the
interpreter does it for you.

data structures in the traditional sense are likewise largely
unnecessary in Python because the ones that come as
standard are so powerful you can do most things with them.
So again learn about them as you go, and wikipedia is
once again your friend.

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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