[Tutor] list mail formatting

Jamie Paul Griffin jamie at kontrol.kode5.net
Wed Dec 21 14:29:40 CET 2011

On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 07:57:33AM -0500, Dave Angel wrote:
> On 12/21/2011 06:49 AM, Jamie Paul Griffin wrote:
> >Can I just ask why the majority of the mail on this list is in multipart/alternative and/or html format. It's driving me nuts trying to read this on my console. Is there not a requirement to use plain text as with most other technical mailing lists?
> >
> >I don't mean to moan and I know it's not a major issue but still.
> >
> >	jamie.
> >_
> It's a common problem, in that most html formatting messes up the
> indenting of an inline program segment.  But other than telling each
> newcomer that has the latter problem, there's no enforcement, as far
> as I know.
> if you're using Thunderbird, you can just tell it to
> View->MessageBodyAs->Plain text.  I do that for all my email, and it
> prevents much spam, makes Phishing more obvious, and probably avoids
> some viruses.
> -- 
> DaveA

I only use text MUA's. When using mutt is not such a problem but I spend a lot of time on a console using mail(1) and then it is a problem. i'm trying to put together a perl script to filter it all but it's just a little frustrating.

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