[Tutor] list mail formatting

Dave Angel d at davea.name
Wed Dec 21 13:57:33 CET 2011

On 12/21/2011 06:49 AM, Jamie Paul Griffin wrote:
> Can I just ask why the majority of the mail on this list is in multipart/alternative and/or html format. It's driving me nuts trying to read this on my console. Is there not a requirement to use plain text as with most other technical mailing lists?
> I don't mean to moan and I know it's not a major issue but still.
> 	jamie.
> _
It's a common problem, in that most html formatting messes up the 
indenting of an inline program segment.  But other than telling each 
newcomer that has the latter problem, there's no enforcement, as far as 
I know.

if you're using Thunderbird, you can just tell it to 
View->MessageBodyAs->Plain text.  I do that for all my email, and it 
prevents much spam, makes Phishing more obvious, and probably avoids 
some viruses.



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