[Tutor] Cherrypy and Iframes (or how to insert a file in a, page)

"Andrés Chandía" andres at chandia.net
Sun Apr 10 13:05:19 CEST 2011

Thanks a lot Alan, I'm a complete newbe in cherrypy, actually this is my first cherrypy, so I
had to go arround many tries to reach the goal, but your help was valuable and finally this is
the config that gave me success:

class helloworld(object):
indexpage = indexpage()
    _cp_config = {   
'tools.staticdir.on': True,
'tools.staticdir.root': '/path/to/root/folder',
    'tools.staticdir.dir': '',

On Sun, April 10, 2011 01:04, Alan Harris-Reid wrote:


 >  NotFound: (404, "The path '/file.txt' was not

This error message often occurs because file.txt is a static file
you have not told CherryPy where to look for static files. 
>From the
of the error I am guessing that file.txt is in your root directory,
in which case you
need the following in your configuration file.

tools.staticdir.root =
'/path/to/root/folder'     # no trailing backslash
tools.staticdir.on = True
tools.staticdir.dir = ""                                   # necessary
serve static files in home folder

Hope this helps.
Alan Harris-Reid

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