[Tutor] A few very basic questions

M Tramp mysterytramp at yahoo.com
Wed May 27 14:07:03 CEST 2009

Alan Gauld <alan.gauld <at> btinternet.com> writes:

> I'd be surprised if its a problem with Eclipse, but that's easy 
> to prove. Just run the code outside Eclipse from the 
> Terminal app. If you get the same error then it cannot be 
> Eclipse at fault.
> Can you post the actual error text? If it is saying no 
> module gtk that suggests to me  the fault lies in your pygtk 
> installation rather than in GTK itself. How/Where did you
> install pygtk?

Fink calls pygtk 0.6 something yet the pygtk site says it's
up to 2.14. The answer probably will lie in manually 
compiling/installing pygtk. But once it's compiled, in which
directory should the library be on my hard drive?


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