[Tutor] import aliases ?

spir denis.spir at free.fr
Tue May 26 10:11:12 CEST 2009


In the case of such a dir structure:


are the following imports synonyms:
1-   import pack.pack1
2-   from pack import pack1

If yes, is there a reason for this?

Also, there is something I find weird:

* Using idiom 1, pack1 is only known as the compound name "pack.pack1": I cannot eg "print pack1". Consistently, to import a module, I need "from pack.pack1 import mod".

* Using idiom 2, pack1 is known as "pack1" alone: I can "print pack1", which outputs "<module 'pack.pack1' from '/home/spir/prog/python/pack/pack1/__init__.pyc'>".
But for further imports, I still need to use the compound name "pack.pack1": "from pack1 import mod" raises "ImportError: No module named pack1", while python has just accepted to print pack1!

la vita e estrany

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