[Tutor] [Visualpython-users] tkinter and visual with objects

Bruce Sherwood Bruce_Sherwood at ncsu.edu
Thu Feb 5 03:57:25 CET 2009

The following works to produce a window with nothing displayed in it:

ball = sphere()
ball.visible = 0

Another scheme would be this:

scene.range = 1
ball = sphere(radius=1e-6)

The point is that Visual doesn't create a window unless there is 
something to display.

Bruce Sherwood

Mr Gerard Kelly wrote:
> I'm trying to make this very simple program, where the idea is that you
> click a tkinter button named "Ball" and then a ball will appear in the
> visual window.
> Problem is that the window itself doesn't pop up until the button is
> pressed and the ball is created. I would like it to start out blank, and
> then have the ball appear in it when the button is pressed.
> I thought that having "self.display=display()" in the __init__ of the
> Application would do this, but it doesn't seem to.
> What do I need to add to this code to make it start out with a blank window?
> from visual import *
> from Tkinter import *
> import sys
> class Ball:
>   def __init__(self):
>     sphere(pos=(0,0,0))
> class Application:
>   def __init__(self, root):    
>     self.frame = Frame(root)
>     self.frame.pack()
>     self.display=display()
>     self.button=Button(self.frame, text="Ball", command=self.ball)
>     self.button.pack()
>   def ball(self):
>     self.ball=Ball()
> root=Tk()
> app=Application(root)
> root.mainloop()
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