[Tutor] XML parsing with SAX

A.T.Hofkamp a.t.hofkamp at tue.nl
Wed Oct 22 15:17:30 CEST 2008

amit sethi wrote:
> Sorry , I didn't follow the format of posting to the group. Well I am new to
> xml and python . What I basically want to do is to read elements from the
> xml which is by the way large ~2GB and read the attributes and make a
> decision as to whether i want to keep that element or not . I am told that
> xml.sax is good for reading a large xml file because it can read from a
> stream but what about writing the xml file back  Thank you for your help.

In general, we help with Python problems rather writing applications for free.

You 'll either have to start paying somebody to do the work for you (in which 
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When you get stuck, you can ask how to overcome that obstacle (usually by 
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