[Tutor] decision structures

Brian Lane bcl at brianlane.com
Tue Oct 21 08:08:45 CEST 2008

Hash: SHA1

bob gailer wrote:
> Brummert_Brandon wrote:
>> Hello.  I am working with python for computer science this semester.  I am having a difficult time on one of my lab assignments.  It is in the python programming book in chapter 7 under decision structures.  I am being asked to write a program in that accepts a date in the form month/date/year and outputs whether the date is valid.  For example, 5/24/1962 is valid but 9/31/2000 is not because September only has 30 days.  
> "the python programming book"? There are a lot of these. Which one do 
> you refer to?
> Regarding homework - we can offer specific help, when we see your 
> efforts and where you are stuck. Have you written any Python code for 
> this assignment? Or any program design?
> Do you know how to do input and output? How to split a string? How to 
> convert characters to numbers? How to compare numbers? How to create and 
> use lists of numbers? Those are the skills you need for this problem. 
> Give it a stab and report back and let's see what happens.

I'd look into learning how to use the datetime module.


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