[Tutor] newbee needs direction

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Thu Oct 2 02:37:36 CEST 2008

"Michael yaV" <michael at yavarsity.com> wrote

> Here is my problem and my coding knowledge consists of html.

OK, The first step is to pause your project long enough to learn
the basics of programming - with Python since you are asking
on a Python list! :-)

> I want to create a web base program that would output team 
> standings.

The second stage is to write the program as a non web
application first. Keeping the novelty factors down helps
when learning to program!

> The only given will be the names of each team and their division 
> (ie:  division 1, division 2). What will be supplied is the score of 
> an  event (game played between 2 teams), and weather it is a 
> division game  (two teams in the same division playing each other) 
> or out of division  game (two teams in different divisions playing 
> each other).

Sounds OK so far.

> The output will then be, the team with the highest percent of 
> winnings will  show up at the top of a list and the worst win/loss 
> percentage team  will show up at the bottom of a list. Also, for 
> out-put, their will be  a total of 7 columns beside each team name. 
> 4 columns for Division  play, a win column, a loss column, a tie 
> column and then the win/loss  percentage column. then their will be 
> 3 columns for Non-Division play,  a win column, a loss column, a tie 
> column.

A good idea when trying to define this kind of thing is to produce
a sample output form - in html since you know it already.

< lots more snipped>
> OK... how should I get started and how tough will this be?

Its a pretty good aspirational beginners project.
Not too hard for a newbie and easy enough to chunk up into bite
sized morsels.

But first focus on getting the basics of Python programming clear
because otherwise you will wind up getting the details of your
problem all mixed up with the details of Python! Stick to solving
one problem at a time, so take a week or so out to learn Python 
Then go back to the problem and focus on building a command
line solution first. Once thats done its relatively easy to convert
it for the web.

For learning Python pick one of the Non Programmers tutorials
on the Python web site and follow it through.
[ If you pick mine to only need to go as far as the end of the
  Basics section before returning to your problem...]


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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