[Tutor] What has Editor X got that PyWin32 hasn't?

Dick Moores rdm at rcblue.com
Thu Aug 14 06:20:50 CEST 2008

At 08:58 PM 8/13/2008, bob gailer wrote:
>One thing I really like about Python Win is the integrated debugger, 
>which takes no time to start up. SPE OTOH uses WinPDB which runs as 
>a separate process that takes (in the demo video) 15 seconds to 
>start (each time it is requested)! Since I depend heavily on the 
>debugger that delay would drive me crazy!

Hm, I just measured how long Ulipad takes to get going with WinPDB, a 
plug-in: 20 seconds, but 10 seconds for a restart.

Other than the time to start, could you compare debugging with Python 
Win and debugging with WinPDB?


Dick Moores

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