[Tutor] What has Editor X got that PyWin32 hasn't?

bob gailer bgailer at gmail.com
Thu Aug 14 05:58:10 CEST 2008

Marc Tompkins wrote:
> Good Things about SPE:
> -  Tabbed editing
> -  "Output" pane, plus separate terminal pane for quickies
> -  Click on any line in an error traceback to jump to the offending 
> line. Any file that isn't already, opens automatically when you click 
> it. 
> -  Left pane toggles between:
>    -  Code outline; specially formatted comment lines appear as 
> section headers in outline
>    -  Todo list
>    -  Index
>    -  Notes
>    -  TabNanny compiling checker (finds errors that work OK now, but 
> might bite you later)
>    -  File browser
> -  Collapse/expand blocks of code for compact viewing
> -  Syntax highlighting (of course!)
> -  Code completion, inline help with function/method parameters
> -  Excellent integration with WinPdb debugger
> -  Excellent integration with PyDoc documentation 
> generation/formatting/printing
> -  TabNanny
> Not-so-Good Things:
> -  Integrated subversion would be a nice plus.  (Actually, I use 
> Bazaar anyway.)
> -  Programs you start from inside the IDE run as children of SPE, so 
> inherit SPE's environment.  Not really a Bad Thing, just something to 
> be aware of - if you make changes to the environment, and want your 
> program to see them, run it from outside SPE or else restart SPE 
> (which takes a fraction of the time it takes to restart Eclipse, by 
> the way.)
One thing I really like about Python Win is the integrated debugger, 
which takes no time to start up. SPE OTOH uses WinPDB which runs as a 
separate process that takes (in the demo video) 15 seconds to start 
(each time it is requested)! Since I depend heavily on the debugger that 
delay would drive me crazy!
Bob Gailer
Chapel Hill NC 

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