[Tutor] Image Analysis

wormwood_3 wormwood_3 at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 11 03:20:53 CEST 2007

I have thought up a project for myself that is rather beyond my current knowledge, but I think it will be fun and very informative. I'll leave out the details right now, but the task that will be the hardest is that I need some way to analyze an image for color patterns. I would like to be able to load an image file of some format, and be able to determine what color the pixels are, in short. From this, I need to generate statistics, such as what color is most common, find patterns in the image, etc.

If anyone knows ANYTHING about this sort of analysis in Python, or even any helpful tutorials on image analysis that are more general, I would greatly appreciate it. 

My only lead right now is PIL, and I am not sure if it will meet my needs.


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