[Tutor] Add metadata to a dir of files.

Tim Golden mail at timgolden.me.uk
Fri Feb 23 12:47:01 CET 2007

Mark Bystry wrote:
> Ok, Tim. I believe you're right. If the vbscript is working then I'll continue to use it and expand 
> on it. I'll only be using this on my WinXP box anyway. I just didn't want to offend anyone in this 
> mailing list with vbscript code. I'm really trying to learn some python basics but I'm no programmer.

Don't worry; you won't offend many (or any) people here. We're
really quite friendly, are we're not such bigots as to believe
that Only Python solutions are acceptable. The only danger is
in not finding someone who can help. I assume there are VBS
forums somewhere. (Or should that be fora? :)

Good luck with it, and feel free to come back if you still need


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