[Tutor] Getting Started with Python

Will Shattuck willshattuck at gmail.com
Mon Sep 11 09:54:34 CEST 2006

Hi all,

I started going through the [Tutor] archives looking for resources on
where to start.  I have wanted to program for many years, but only
just recently have made the time.  I thought through different
languages to start with: C, C# (My work uses .NET), Java, Python,
Ruby, and others.  I think I will still learn Java, but I have settled
on putting most of my effort into Python first.

So, where do I start?  I have very little money for books, but I
expect there are good resources on the web.  My eventual goal is to
write either a sci-fi rogue-like game or a rogue-like game engine that
allows "anyone" to create their own.  I have glanced at PyGame, and
like what it can do, but I don't even really know many basics of

Anyway, Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Oh, some background... I graduated College with a music degree and a
music teaching credential.  That led into, believe it or not, a night
job doing internet tech support, then a full time customer service
manager at the same company, then help desk support at a non-profit,
then help desk at a for profit.... Anyway, I'm a teacher by schooling,
a computer tech by learning, and a programmer by yearning. :)

Ok enough... Thanks for your time.


Will Shattuck  ( willshattuck.at.gmail.com )
Home Page:  http://www.thewholeclan.com/will

When you get to your wit's end, you'll find God lives there.

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