[Tutor] Idle socket connection refused on w2k

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Sun Sep 3 01:15:03 CEST 2006

"Joe Cox" <jgcox39 at highstream.net> wrote in message
> I am a newbie and this has got my self study at a dead stop.

It shouldn't do, IDLE is a nice aid but hardly essential for learning 

You can use the basic command prompt.

If you are on Windows you can also use Pyhonwin
If you are on Linux you can use emacs and python-mode

So lots of opportunities to progress with Python without using IDLE.

> Please help. I don't want to give up on python. If I need to do a 
> dual boot
> and add Linux so be it.

No need for Linux, use Pythonwin, its part of the winall package
if you haven't already installed it, or standard with the ActiveState
version of Python. On Windows it beats IDLE on every count.

Alan G. 

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